
I’m ashamed to say that this is my first foray into keeping a blog. I’ve been watching other blogs for some time, so hopefully I can provide something useful here based on what I’ve learned from others.

This blog will have a few purposes. One of them will be to provide a way for people to hear about updates we make to our screen-scraper application. We often create alpha versions of screen-scraper that some early adopters may be interested in trying out, so if that’s you then you may want to keep an eye on this blog. I’ll also post updates we make to our web site, such as new tutorials and FAQ’s.

I’m also hoping to use this to give tips, hints, and tricks in using screen-scraper that you may not find in our documentation unless you really root around. If you use screen-scraper regularly it may help you to subscribe in case any useful nuggets get posted.

If all goes well this will also hopefully be a means for people to provide feedback on screen-scraper. We use screen-scraper everyday, and we’re always looking for ways to make it better. Don’t hesitate to post complaints, compliments, or suggestions. Also feel free to post your own tips and such in the comments.

Hopefully no one will get too bored or annoyed by this, but I’m also planning on giving general thoughts on screen-scraping and data extraction. I’ll also likely give some insights into our business, and my personal impressions on being involved in a small company.

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